Broken Ornaments

To the Mommas who will soon feel stressed by every little holiday detail... I PROMISE IT WILL ALL BE OK. 
I remember a few years ago when I cried over a box of broken ornaments. I was certain I ruined Christmas by dropping them. Tonight, I broke the first ornament I touched. Not one tear... my perspective has grown. My littles are putting ornaments on the tree, laughing and reciting the Grinch word for word. This is Christmas! I’ve spent time helping plan Christmas decor/service for our church, wanting only the best for our King. This is Christmas! The pace has slowed (at least enough to snuggle my babies). With a heart so full THIS IS CHRISTMAS. 
They won’t remember the gifts they got in a few years. They won’t remember the gifts you couldn’t afford. But they will remember Daddy reading the Christmas Story about the coming of our Jesus. They will remember Christmas Eve in matching PJs. They will remember decorating the tree, hot chocolate and a ridiculous amount of Christmas movies. This is Christmas! 
While we spend Thanksgiving examining our gratitude... use that time to prepare your heart to ENJOY December! I promise every year to not get caught up in the race of giving or getting the best... and somehow I fail YEARLY... not this year! If there isn’t one gift under the tree... we will have celebrated the birth of our Savior. Hugged our babies a little tighter. And enjoyed every last minute of the holiday season! 

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