Jesus + NOTHING is all you need.

A few weeks ago was a regular day that just so happened to be 2-22-22. That day I hopped on and off insta and left every time feeling sad for this generation of women. This regular day was turned into one that celebrated these 5 numbers as if they held some magic power to change the world. Please hear my heart in this post and not an attack.


Jesus + NOTHING is all you need.

Jesus + manifesting = doesn’t work

Jesus + crystals = nope

Jesus + angel numbers = it’s a no

Jesus + alignment = unnecessary


You are treading dangerous waters when you seek to prosper from within yourself. ANY success, peace, or goodness you receive is a gift from the Lord. They aren’t things you can achieve. It’s either a blessing directly from God or you worked really hard and He is blessing your efforts.


Sweet friend, whoever told you that you needed any tools, chants, stretches, or mind emptying activity to access the goodness of God is offering you a watered-down and counterfeit version of the Gospel.


There is only one way to access the Father and that is through Jesus Christ. He isn’t A God, He is THE God. Rituals will never get you there. Zodiac signs won’t tell you the truth about yourself. Good vibes won’t heal you. Praying to mother earth or the universe won’t get you answers. And if you are trusting in a higher power, it better be Jesus.


These practices are self-centered, self-serving, and self-healing. They are meant to distract you from true sacrificial faith. Can I let you in on a little secret? Self makes a terrible master. And that false sense of control you gather from trusting in this belief system is a temporary bandage to a long term issue. You are welcome to run your own life… straight into the ground. But I don’t recommend it.


If you participate in these activities it should be a blaring sign that you are living with one foot in faith and one foot in the world. They are a product of a new age faith that views Jesus as a teacher and not the Savior of the world. You cannot have it both ways. Either Jesus is enough or He is nothing at all. He will not bow to your manifestations and idols.


It’s taken a lot of years to muster the courage to say, in the most loving way, THIS IS WRONG. And not only is it wrong, it’s an incredibly dangerous, slippery slope of self-centered living. Scripture warns us of these exact patterns. Real faith needs nothing more than what Jesus freely gives. Lay down the idols and lean into your good and gracious Father. I promise you won’t be disappointed.


Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬