Stage Five Clinger

Sometimes bible study consists of highlighting ALL the words, grasping for some piece of truth. Searching to settle the lies that are aching your heart. You went to bed crushed, praying for the joy that comes in the morning. Only to wake still brokenhearted. 
You can't make sense of all that you've done wrong and how that aligns with, or thoroughly screws up all God is calling you to be. Failure... repeated failure screams for attention. You know your deepest desire is to serve God with every ounce of your being, yet you come up short... daily.
So even when it doesn't make sense, I remind myself of truth. REAL truth that is unchanged by my actions or the way people see me.
-I am righteous because He is righteous
-Sunrise breaks through the darkness for good people- God's grace and mercy and justice!
-My heart is ready and fully trusting God
-My spirit is firm and relaxed
-I live an honored life... a beautiful life
Dear friends, cling to what you know is TRUTH even when your heart and mind believe everything else. Speak the Word over your battle and insecurities. Victory was won on the cross and when everything else is chaos... rest in knowing where your victory begins
