Gabb Wireless

Teen Cell Phone Contract - Safe Cell Phone

During our more than a decade in Youth Ministry, we have noticed a disturbing trend that led us to say, “There has to be a better way.” 
The repetitive scenario went something like this. Perfectly healthy happy teen finally gets a cell phone. A few weeks later, they begin to withdraw, and their behavior shifts. Within a couple of months, they are a completely different person… numb, a shell of who they formerly were. The hurt and sadness were visible.
My husband, as a youth pastor, would hear stories of students being bullied by peers online, teens fiending for likes and comments, boys requesting nudes, friendships ruined over naked photos, students addicted to pornography, and so much more. 
That obviously put us on high alert as we care deeply for our students, and our own daughter was quickly approaching her teen years. Thus began our quest for a better way for teens to use technology in a positive manner.
After talking to many parents, reading articles, pouring over statistics, and asking God to give us a clear understanding of how to navigate this season of life, we realized it didn’t have to be ‘full access’ or ‘nothing at all’. There surely was a middle ground. We discovered it IS possible to keep teens safe AND connect. And that we, as parents, are solely responsible for protecting our children. It was clear that 2 things were absolutely necessary for a positive technology experience: clearly defined expectations and a safe cell phone. 

Necessity #1: A Cell Phone Contract

We have compiled what we pray is a set of standards that hold our children accountable for how they use the phone. Being the person that I am, I made it into a printable “Cell Phone Contract”. You’re welcome 😉 

Before we gave our daughter a phone, we sat as a family to discuss our standards and expectations. We read this contract together, she initials each section, and we all signed it at the bottom. We set very clear boundaries for how the device would be used, stated consequences for misuse, and allowed her to ask any questions about the phone. She has been using the phone for several months now and has done a fantastic job holding up her end of the contract.

We will post a more detailed blog about our standards later but for now, you can grab your free copy of our Cell Phone Contract below.


Necessity #2: A Safe Cell Phone

Enter, Gabb Wireless!
Gabb Wireless will get a blog post of its own as well. But we wanted to share an overview of what we were looking for in a safe cell phone provider. Looks like a smartphone, reasonable pricing, no internet browsing, no social media, and no apps. Simple talk and text without many of the risks that come with cell phones. Gabb’s mission: Letting kids be kids and giving parents peace of mind. A phone with everything a kid needs with none of the stuff they don’t! It really was the perfect fit for our family and we have been incredibly pleased with their service and product. 

If you want more info about Gabb Wireless, feel free to ask any questions in the comments. You can also check out their website

And we were able to get a $30 off code!! Enter GRITANDFAVOR30 at check out!

Dedicate your children to God and point them in the way that they should go, and the values they’ve learned from you will be with them for life. Proverbs 22:6

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