Jesus Isn't An Elf

Over the last few days the beauty of Christmas has begun to fade. The gifts have been opened, decorations are down and Jesus has been perfectly celebrated. The ‘what now week’ that occurs between Christmas and New Years feels extra weird this year. I thought it was distraction from packing for our trip but it’s so much heavier than that. I can’t stop thinking about how we celebrate Jesus really big a few times a year, then we put Him back in a box like a Christmas elf. 

In all reality, a single day of celebrating Jesus means nothing if we don’t fully submit to him the other 364 days a year. It’s the struggle between celebrating and serving. Will you show up at the birthday party like a distant relative with your $20 gift card? Or will you be present day in and day out? Will you check in via FaceTime every few months? Or will you serve others, worship Him, pray and seek His face? Our ‘Happy Birthday, Jesus’ cakes were really sweet. And reading the Christmas Story before opening gifts is a good thing. But it’s time to stop treating Jesus like the Elf on the Shelf - look but don’t touch and know he is watching you. There must be something more... something deeper. 
My prayer is that you embrace Jesus’ mercy and grace each and every day of the year. Dig deeper. Ask questions. He is ready and listening. Seated at the right hand of the Father, fully available to you. Jesus, show me how to do more than just celebrate You. 
“If Christ be anything, He must be everything.” -Charles Spurgeon. 
